Gracious Professionalism in Action
Pair of Dice Robotics
Pair of Dice’s Impact
Advancing FIRST Values
We partnered with FRC team 7424 to host Nevada's very first offseason event where we were able to provide rookie teams a full FRC experience before their first build season.
Pair of Dice has hosted and co-hosted an FLL or FTC competition every year since our rookie season. We were recognized by the FIRST NV coordinator that our volunteers “raised the quality level of each competition due to their experience… professionalism, and work ethic”, after hosting the largest FLL event in Nevada with 59 teams.
Impact On Students
Our students have opportunities to learn to operate large CNC machines and basic hand tools.
We offer 28 different manufacturing certifications. Within 20 months, students have been awarded more than 200 certifications.
Our team also annually hosts job fairs with the help of our partnerships with 10+ Manufacturing companies, including Ocean Spray and Tesla, giving our students job offers of up to $70,000 a year.
Girls in TECH
For the last two years Pair of Dice has hosted a workshop called Girls in Tech.
The workshop brought 280+ female and non-binary middle school students to our school to participate in interactive, hands-on STEM lessons. Our workshops consisted of activities in 3D design, electrical circuits, computer science, medical professions, and engineering industry speakers.
The event is always great success and will continue to be held annually.
Outreach To Our Community
In Las Vegas, 15% of the population lives below the poverty line.
To support one of our local community food banks we organized a canned food drive that directly helped the Henderson Equality Centers, where Pair of Dice was able to raise over 400 cans/food items for their pantry.
In addition, we partnered with Savers, to organize a clothing drive, in which we were able to raise more than 3500 pounds of donations.
To further partake in helping our community, our team volunteered at Three Square to help package food for the homeless youth in our area.
Altogether, Pair of Dice constantly strives to go all in for our community.
Teaming Up
Pair of Dice has assisted over 300 FIRST teams in the past three years spanning 6 countries.
In the year 2024 alone, we assisted 100+ FLL and 85 FRC teams through their journey, all while mentoring three of the FLL teams.
For the Crescendo season, we hosted 25 teams, two of which were international teams and one from out-of-state. While hosting these teams we helped three teams design and build a climbing mechanism, four teams fabricate parts, and two teams improve their kitbot.
Pair of Dice team members also ran FLL team 54574’s offseason event in May of 2023. In addition, we have stored and transported FIRST FRC Kits for Brazilian teams 1772, 7033, 6902, and 5800 every year.
Pack Expos
Pair of Dice has attended three “Pack Expos” and one “Science Expo” reaching 3000+ people. At the 2024 program showcase, our members reached 50+ industry professionals and the district's superintendent. That event was televised on some local news networks reaching over 10,000 people.